Discipleship Dictionary

Discipleship Dictionary Church: The Church is God’s People (who we are) saved by God’s Power (what He has done and is doing) for God’s Purposes (the good works He created us in Jesus Christ to do) - wearesoma.org The Church is the entire Body of Christ - not just a building, service team, worship service, or an individual local church. - Tony Edwards Covenant Discipleship: Based on John Wesley’s Bands and Classes, Covenant Discipleship Groups develop a group covenant and meet weekly to hold one another accountable to the General Rule of Discipleship and individual commitments to works of devotion and compassion as well as collective commitments to justice and worship. - Tony Edwards Disciple: A disciple is one who worships Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, obeys Jesus and teaches others to do the same - wearesoma.org A disciple surrenders every area of life to the Great Commission and makes one’s entire life an act of worship and service to God and G...